Love to Be a Mommy!
Last night my kids were out of control!!!!!! Deegan was screaming (his crying) and Lexie kept getting out of bed and coming into the living room. So once we got Lexie to listen... Deeg's was still screaming!!! mommy couldn't open her eyes. It was only 9, but she gets up @ 4:55 am so the night needed to end!!!!!! Anyway, back to mommies final resort!
I always talk about how my kids cant be "forced" into my bed, I grabbed Deegan and brought him in bed with me, which would usually mean "party" to him, and he was out with in seconds "SLEEPING"!
With his head in my armpit, our foreheads together and his toes against my thighs I just prayed and thanked the LORD for such an awesome moment with my child. My sweet little boy, cuddled up with me, the little boy who sooner than later wont be so little, and wont need me so much, but thankfully.... I have amazing moments like this to remember!


Michelle said…
Truly! They grow up too fast!

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