What we don't "post about"
The hardships of marriage, the physical and mental insecurties, the hurt we feel for others, some can or will post about politics, some can't and won't. It's scary, it's contrroversial, it requires vulnerability. I personaly find it pointless. Most people dont care and/ or dont get your perspective. Every man/ woman for themselves. Literally.
At almost 41 years of age, my biggest struggles occur in the lives of my children. I want them to have great health and general success, I want them to be good humans. I would like to provide a loving and nurtuting home that leads by example, heart, faith and even fight. I desire for them to be advocates for themselves and each other. As twins I would love for them to be an unbreakable unit. They can always be a team.
*(above written 2.7.23)
Unfortunately, life happens and they are growing up far faster than I can manage. I have to put a lot of trust in how I raised them, but I also dont have enough of a grasp to protect them from all the evil in the world. The evil that will put them in situations they shouldnt be in. The ones that will take advantage of their innocence and goodness. It will happen, I know it does happen. We live in a world where none of us can be truly be good at looking out for others. We are human and of this world.
I continue to hope my children can do the right thing- when no one is looking. To have integrity and make good choices. The age they are is a learning curve and the lessons are a huge product of their environment. I look back at those little babies here on the blog, and wish so deeply they were still those little carefree babes. I love who they are now but I loathe all the challenges. They will always be my babes and the absolute loves of my life. As a parent that has stepped through life, I have done my best to try and encourage them to follow- even better. They don't always get it, and sometimes they may be curious. I wont ever question them leading with their heart and putting their happiness first. I will not judge for their mistakes (but I may get on my soap box), and lastly, I hope to make them proud myself. I have one chance with them.