I always post "starts/ firsts"

I think it is the same thing as only looking to God when you think you really need him.  Guess what? You need him everyday and everyday is a new day!  It's a chance to start fresh!  Since we are on this earth because of the sacrifice HE made I will share my verse from the bible that at age 30 I decided to have engraved on my body:
"You make me new!" 11 Corinthians 5:17
He holds the key, he takes away troubles or he gives you trials.

Secondly since I value the success of others so much & the earthly sacrifice(s) they make to achieve their goals I would like to quote an athlete!
"During the hard times, it is important to focus on the things you can change in that moment instead of what you should have or could have done differently!" ~ Annie Thorisdottir


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